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would you like tea or a tea towel bag?


Hi. I just wanted to show you the two tea towel bags that I finished since the last video. I make a few of these each year and they always find happy homes. Just click on the images to see more information.

In other news, all of the skirts are 40% off so check them out. There is sure to be lots more warm weather for showing them off, or perhaps stash them away for a time when we aren't social distancing.

Last, the lightweight masks feel heavenly. Well, almost heavenly. A mask is still a mask, but I think you will find these less intrusive than others, and considerably better looking. I think we can all agree that masks are necessary and that’s just how it is. Hoping you and yours remain healthy as we progress through this difficult time. Buying handmade things is sure to lift your spirits (I'm not sure this is true but try it!) Best, Jenae

My scribbles, trying to capture the feeling of a weeping willow. 

Truth be told weeping willows bags are what is on my brain recently.

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