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I've listed a lot of new MASKS!

Who would have imagined that we'd be shopping for masks?  It's like we went to sleep one night and woke up to a very different world.  

I started making masks for family a couple of months ago and when more handmade masks became available I was annoyed by the lack of quality.  I knew they would need to be purchased again and again.  So, in the spirit of "fewer things, better things" I wanted to make a mask for you that would really last. These are NOT medical masks but they do meet the cdc guidelines for fabric face coverings. The key is sturdy hand made straps attached two two layers of finely-woven cotton, a non woven interface, pleats so it fits over your who mouth and nose, a pocket for extra filtration and an internal wire that forms to one's nose.  Check out the video and the masks and see what you think.  As always, if it needs repairs or alterations, I'll happily help.  Be safe and take care,  jenae

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